Zohrab Mnatsakanyan at a panel discussion titled "Eastern Partnership - an agent of democratic transition" So we have been quietly and patiently explaining this to our partners who have doubts about whether democracy is a geopolitical tool. It is not. But wait a minute! The same goes in the other direction. Because I was in a condition at some point earlier last year to ask this question to my friends in Europe: Are we not sufficiently democratic to you because we are not sufficiently anti-Russian? This is not how we want to think. This is not how we think. So if Russia is brought in the context of geopolitics then my one word is “Turkey.” My security concern is Turkey. This is where that security threat comes to Armenia. 27 years of blockade, 27 years of denied justice, denied relations, is creating a serious security threat to us. Let’s discuss that.
Zohrab Mnatsakanyan at a panel discussion titled "Eastern Partnership - an agent of democratic transition"
So we have been quietly and patiently explaining this to our partn...
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