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Requiem mass delivered at St. Sargis Church in Yerevan in memory of Beirut explosion victims

armenpress.ama day ago
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Requiem mass delivered at St. Sargis Church in Yerevan in memory of Beirut explosion victims

A 40th day requiem mass was delivered today at the St. Sargis Vicarial Church, the seat of the Araratian Pontifical Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, in memory of the innocent victims of the August 4 explosion in the Lebanese capital of Beirut.

Photos by Hayk Manukyan

Editor-in-chief of Lebanese-based Zartonk daily Sevag Hagopian told Armenpress that the life in Lebanon continues and they need to move forward by always remembering the victims.

“Today we commemorated the 40th day requiem of the victims and the Armenian victims in particular. Life continues, we will always remember those victims, but Lebanon and Lebanese-Armenians need to be restored thanks to the friendly countries and the moral, material support of our Diaspora-Armenian brothers. It will be an impetus for us to keep our community there and to be able to move forward”, he said.

Sevag Hagopian informed that the concrete number of people injured in the blast is still unclear, some of them continue their treatment in hospitals, some have already been discharged, but death cases are also being registered among those injured people who are in serious condition.

“The n...

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