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Artsakh president: ‘Our unity makes us stronger and persistent’

panorama.aman hour ago
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Artsakh president: ‘Our unity makes us stronger and persistent’

Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan issued a message on the 104th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide commemorated on 24 April.

The message, released by the Artsakh presidential office, runs as follows:

“Dear compatriots,

Today, as every year on April 24, our whole people mourn and commemorate the Armenian Genocide victims, those 1,5 million Armenians who were slaughtered by the Ottoman Turkey. This crime has been among the most horrific and monstrous programs against humanity, a stigma for future generations. On this very day we are together in Armenia, Artsakh and Diaspora, we are together in spirit and in mind, all of us lay flowers to the memory of our sanctified martyrs, our hearts suffer from that same pain and wrath.

Our unity makes us stronger and persistent, resilient and steadfast on the way to strengthen and develop our Motherland, cement the independent Armenian statehood. This is the guarantee of our pe...

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