“Russia plays key role in Armenia’s economy, there are a lot of companies. Nearly 37% of all foreign direct investments in Armenia are Russian. By looking at the figures of the first half of 2018, we can state that we will have good results also by the end of the year”, he said.
Andrei Babko said Russia is trying to promote not only the export to Armenia, but also vice versa. The Russian side is trying to assist the Armenian companies to find their place in the Russian market.
“As you know, traditionally, agricultural goods, as well as brandy, wine are imported to Russia. In addition, the import of textile and footwear from Armenia to Russia has become quite active. The Armenian goods are demanded in Russia and distinguished by their quality”, he said.
During the press conference the reporters asked whether the recent political events in Armenia affected the Armenia-Russia trade, investment volumes.
“I would like to note that before these events we h...
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