In the 4th quarterly of 2019 the number of visitors to Armenia rose nearly by 400 thousand or 22.7% against the same period of 2017, ARMENPRESS reports Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan wrote on his Facebook page.
“In the 4th quarterly of 2019 the number of visitors to Armenia amounted to 2 million 150 thousand and 383. In the 4th quarterly of 2018 the number of visitors to Armenia amounted to 1 million 906 thousand and 722. In the 4th quarterly of 2017 the number of visitors to Armenia amounted to 1 million 751 thousand and 729. In the 4th quarterly of 2019 the number of visitors to Armenia rose by 398 thousand and 654 or 22.7% against the same period of 2017”, Pashinyan wrote, emphasizing that in the 4th quarterly the number of visitors exceeded the number of those who left the country.
Pashinyan al...
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