“On April 24 Armenians all over the world together with the friends of the Armenian people and humanity commemorated the 104th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Many nations, communities and societies joined this commemoration all over the world. We are grateful to all of them, to world leaders, parliamentarians, philanthropists, scholars, journalists and human rights activists for standing by the Armenian people in commemoration of the 1.5 million victims of the Armenian Genocide.
However, Turkey continues to hold to odious policies of denialism, offence to the dignity and memory of the victims of the Genocide and incapacity to face its past, manifested once again in the address by the President of Turkey on 24 April this year. The reference to the victims of the Genocide as “Armenian gangs and their supporters” is most insulting and deplorable. The justification of the Armenian Genocide, planned and perpetrated by the Ottoman government as “relocation” and further qualifying it as “the most reasonable act” is particularly shocking, yet attesting to the intent to destroy in whole or in part the Armenian population of the Ottoman Turkey, a national, ethnical and religious group as defined by the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
Furthermore, Turkey has been consistently trying to introduce a religious dimension to its denialist narrative, which is beyond contempt. No religion in the world can harbour genocide perpetrators and their supporters. The history of the Armenian Genocide with many rescuers from Muslim communities, including religious leaders, as well as its wide internatio...
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