PanARMENIAN.Net - As remote work keeps becoming more common, the need for better management tools also rises. WebWork Time Tracker is a similar tool that helps teams of all sizes save time and resources by enabling them to manage their work time.
Research shows that “over 38% of billable revenue is lost to untracked time spent in emails, meetings and by delays in filling timesheets”. As a time tracker, WebWork helps businesses solve this issue and stand a chance to gain a revenue boost of up to 61%.
WebWork solves the challenges of remote work
Nowadays, it is mostly remote work that poses chances of wasted time, as it is harder to manage teams that are remote than when they are in the office. WebWork Time Tracker solves most challenges of remote work such as difficulty managing time, concentrating, lack of management, communication and collaboration, the risk of working more than is required, and others. Founder of WebWork Time Tracker Vahagn Sargsyan says WebWork solves these challenges by enabling employees to track their working hours. Tracking time helps the user see where their time goes and what every minute is spent on. This way they can find and eliminate actions that waste time during working hours. As a result, companies get to spend the saved time on work-related tasks instead and thus increase revenue, says Vahagn.
WebWork as a virtual workspace
Besides being a time tracker WebWork is also a virtual workspace. “It is basically a platform where both large teams and freelancers can organize their work from start to finish all while tracking time. WebWork Time Tracker has task and project management systems that work according to agile methodology. It allows for easier task assigning and division across all types of projects. At the same time, its main functionality, time tracking, allows employers to see the exact worked hours of their employees, while employees can visualize how their time is spent.”
Launch of Messenger on WebWork Tracker
In order to keep communication and collaboration on the same platform, recently WebWork launched its built-in messenger. “Even a second spent on switching the platform to chat with coworkers is lost time. By incorporating a messenger into the tracker we wanted teams to save even that little time by both working and communicating on the same platform. This way WebWork sav...
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