“As of June 30, 7200 tons of apricots, 5489 tons of apples, 2864 tons of cherries, 733 tons of strawberries, raspberries have already been exported. Pomegranate, quince - 207 tons, figs - 111 tons have also been exported. 20,235 tons of tomatoes, 4512 tons of cucumbers, 1846 tons of cauliflower and broccoli have already been exported from Armenia”, she said.
“Although the export volumes have certainly declined, but we cannot state that there is a major decline. There are mostly no major fluctuations compared to the same period of the previous year”, she added.
The Eurasian Economic Union is the main export market, the most share of which belongs to Russia.
As for the coronavirus-related difficulties, the spokesperson said there were concrete restrictions on the border with Iran from the first days of the coronavirus, there was a list defining which goods can be exported to and imported from Iran, but then the l...
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