PanARMENIAN.Net - Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) Foreign Minister Masis Mayilyan has said he is glad that U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reiterated the two countries' shared vision that the resolution of Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict is possible exclusively through peaceful negotiations.
"It is important to make sure Turkey stops pushing Azerbaijan and international terrorists to continue inhuman aggression against our democracy," Mayilyan said late Thursday, October 15.
Pompeo voiced hope Thursday that Armenia would "defend" itself against Azerbaijan: "We're hopeful that the Armenians will be able to defend against what the Azerbaijanis are doing," Pompeo said in an interview with WBS radio in Atlanta.
"We now have the Turks, who have stepped in and provided resources to Azerbaijan, increasing the risk, increasing the firepower that's taking place in this historic fight over this place called Nagorno-Karabakh," Pompeo added.
While the Artsakh Foreign Minister hailed Pompeo's stance, he urged the international community to take constructive steps to help stop the violence.
"We share Secretary Pompeo’s hope that Armenians will be able to defend against what Azerbaijanis are doing...
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